Olivia, you are 8 weeks old today. (Friday November 27th)
* You are growing and changing more and more every day!
* You weigh 10.2 lbs (according to our bathroom scale)
* You are in size 1 diapers.
* You can still fit into most of your newborn clothes but they are getting snug in the length! You wore a 0-3 month pajama outfit to bed last night and your little hands got caught in the sleeves!
* You have slept through the night twice now. Not in a row but it gives us a nice little break. (Although we worry when we wake up and you haven't woken us up!)
* You are getting better at sleeping in your crib and falling asleep with your pacifier and glowing lullaby seahorse.
*You still love your activity mat and monkey "tv". I also catch you looking at yourself in the activity mat mirror and laughing!
* You love when we moves your legs like a bicycle. It makes you smile and laugh just about every time we do that!
* You are such a happy calm baby. You have your moments, but for the most part we are very very lucky!
*You like when daddy carries you in the baby bjorn.
*You have already had 2 of your first holidays- Halloween and Thanksgiving (yesterday!)
*You still love to lay on your changing mat and get your diaper changed (unless you are hungry!)
* You are so cute we just can hardly stand it!! Your hair is getting lighter and longer. I love to put little clips in it to make you look more girly!
*You have been nursing great since about 5 weeks which makes it MUCH easier on mommy. I didn't realize how much more work it was to make bottles in the middle of the night!
*You always have and still drink your bottles quickly. You also get frustrated if we take the bottle out of your mouth to burp you to early before you are done eating. You've only spit twice, which is good for us!
*We celebrated your farmor's birthday today since she was here visiting and you made her a special gift.
* You have 2 outfits that match your cousin Madeline now- an adidas track suit that you both wore today and your Christmas outfits!
* We love you more and more every day- we can't imagine life without you!
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