Sorry the picture is so huge, but you can see it really well! Anyway I'm excited for John to have such a nice bag he won't be embarrassed to carry! Sarah filled it up with everything John will need from diapers, to wipes, to plastic bags to put dirty diapers in!
I will post pictures of the shower later when I get more from people who took some! I had a really fun time. It was on Saturday at Joyce's house. It was decorated really cute with SUPER good cupcakes! I was lucky to get a hummingbird. Thanks Julie! I got a TON of really nice gifts. Too many to go into detail about! I think all I really need to get now is my breast pump, a swing, a car seat base for John's truck and a changing pad for on top of the dresser. I also really want to get a monitor, but the kind I want is kind of expensive so I might wait since she will be sleeping in our room for a while anyway. Luckily I have some gift cards I can use to put towards those different things.
I also had my dr. appointment this morning. It was super quick with no new news. I guess that's good! My blood pressure was fine and I didn't gain any weight in the last 2 weeks. She said she still thinks her liver may be a bit bigger because she is chubby. She also said she isn't chubby because of me since I haven't gained that much weight this pregnancy. Anyway so my next ultrasound is on Tuesday Sept 8th at 2pm. Hopefully she isn't getting too big!
And look, Olivia has blinds in her room! They are blackout blinds and the are top down bottom up so you can raise and lower them from the top and bottom. (no strings) They are the same color as we got for our room too. You can see in the pack n play pictures, no more paper window covers! We are still working on blinds for the rest of the house... need to save the $! And here is a picture of me at 33 weeks exactly:
Some of the tissue pom decorations:Baby clothes on hanger for a game:
all the food:
and me with my gifts before I opened them: I ended up getting clothes, a book, my pack n play for our bedroom and a big toy mat for her to play on! We might be setting up the pack n play in our room today to see where it fits well. I'm so excited we got it!
And today I am getting ready for another dr appt. I swear when they are every 2 weeks they feel like very 2 days. Wasn't I JUST there?! I'm sure when I start going weekly it will be WAY too often! I'm hoping they at least have some of the lab results from the bloodwork I had drawn on Thursday last week. It is at 850 this morning so at least I don't have to wait all day to find out! Then I have a work baby shower at the park tonight! We are having a joint one for me and 2 other girls, I am really looking forward to it! In the past we have had it at restaurants or someones house. It works out nice to have it at the park for the girl who have young kids. They can go play in the playground and the moms don't have to worry about them breaking anything! Anyway, I'm off to get ready for this busy day!