Well today is the big day of my 32 week ultrasound. I'm super excited to see how Olivia looks now! I'm sure she has more chub on her than the last look at 19.5 weeks. It is scheduled at 2 pm. Before that, Amanda is coming over so we can make a couple things for my friends at work who are having babies. We are having a joint shower on Monday. I'm really looking forward to that too! Here is what I made the girls at work so far (one is having a boy, and the other a girl)

I found these iron on patch type things at the craft store and pt them on onesies. They are SUPER cute in person, I especially love the little tie for a boy! And next are the diaper wipe cases I made. I got the idea from Amanda who made me one that I love. She showed me the directions, and they really weren't too hard once I figured out all the fabrics to buy.

That's all I have made for them so far. I think we may make something like burp cloths later today to finish up the present. I'm glad Amanda is helping, because I don't know how to sew!
Here is the nursery right now too. I got the bedding in the mail a couple day ago. While I was at work John washed everything and put it all on the crib, and put the mobile together. I think it looks super cute! I also included a picture of what the closet looks like right now. I have to get another couple of pink cube drawers and organize it better, but I think it will be a good thing to have for blankets and random things that are hard to find a place for. Plus we can use some of all the space in that closet!

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