The nurse finally spoke with my OB today and she is not concerned about the possible enlarged liver either. They are thinking she is big now because I am possible borderline diabetic? I don't know, I passed all my tests but they said that I came close to failing. Ugh that would've been good to know before my 1030 pm run to Dairy queen last week with John for ice cream! And of course I find this out right in the middle of baking John some M&M cookies... none for me I guess. :( Everyone says this is when you can eat what you want, but not me! I am back to being even better about my diet. I have tried to eat healthy, but I know I can do even better than I have been (like no ice cream runs to Dairy queen!) The nurse said that the dr would like for me to have an ultrasound in 2-3 weeks then weekly after that to see how Olivia is growing. I should be excited about them, but I'm not just because that means more possibility of finding things wrong... also I'm guessing I may be induced early since she is big and they will be monitoring her. I told John that I will be 38 weeks on Sept 25 so I wonder if she will come sometime around then?
Anyway here is the pile of baby laundry I did today. I'm SO glad I've been keeping up on it. This is mostly stuff from just the showers! I have boxes of clothes for the next year that I have already washed. Now I need to get to putting these away...

And look, Olivia has blinds in her room! They are blackout blinds and the are top down bottom up so you can raise and lower them from the top and bottom. (no strings) They are the same color as we got for our room too. You can see in the pack n play pictures, no more paper window covers! We are still working on blinds for the rest of the house... need to save the $!
And here is a picture of me at 33 weeks exactly:

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