Here I am up at 6 am on a Saturday morning while everyone else sleeps. Oh well, at least John has the day off- 1st day in weeks, so it is SO nice having him home. George was the one who woke us up at 5 am though, not Olivia! She did end up waking up around 530 to eat though but she had slept for 6.5 hours so that was great! She went to bed late last night, but she just did NOT want to sleep! She would cry if we swaddled her and she would be happy and play unswaddled so we just left her to play in her crib until she got fussy. She just talked away for a good 20 minutes until she got fussy and then she was probably asleep within 10 minutes of being swaddled. She has really found her voice in the last couple days. John is finally getting to hear it since he had been working so much. I called him so he could hear her and he couldn't believe it was her! It is so cute to hear her babble on.
2 days ago: ( I think sucked into her favorite thing- the television)

smiles in the sunlight

Her version of sitting so far. She can only hold that for a few seconds before falling one way or another!

Crazy outfit including the baby legs from dad and Sandy!

Just relaxing....

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