Where has the time gone? Sweet baby girl Olivia, you are 3 months old today! You get sweeter and cuter every day and I can't believe how quickly time has gone by! It is 2010 and I go back to work this month. I will be sad to go but I know daddy will take good care of you the nights I am gone. Here are some things about you now:
*You are wearing size 2 diapers (but I am trying to use up your size 1's!)
*According to our bathroom scale you are about 11 lb 13 oz, although I guessed you would be bigger!
* You are drooling up a storm now! Maybe starting to teethe?
*You are still sleeping in your carseat and some nights are better than others. You usually have a long stretch in the beginning of 5 hours or so and then another stretch of 3-4 hours. You are definitely better at going back to sleep after eating in the middle of the night.
*You still usually take at least 2 good naps a day. You love to be swaddled with your binky and you fall asleep within 10 minutes. Lately I am having to hold you for naps, hopefully we can break that habit! (Although if that is the worst thing about you, we are doing good!! )
*You seem like you prefer the mam pacifier, so that is what you got a lot of for Christmas!
*You had your first long car ride to Seattle and you did GREAT! You slept all the way until north bend where we woke you up to eat and get changed, then you shopped with us and went back to sleep for the remainder of the drive!
*You still love your activity mat more than any other toy.
*We packed up your newborn clothes and pulled out your 3 month clothes which fit great!
*You have a little rash off and on under your arms and in your neck. We are keeping it very clean and moisturizing it regularly which seems to help a lot!
*Daddy's trailer got robbed a couple nights ago, but nothing is as important as you are. I made sure you were okay as soon as we discovered the robbery. We both gave you a big hug when you woke up!
*You still love your bath every night and usually do your "marching" which makes you smile and laugh.
*You rolled on the very last day of 2009 2 days shy of 3 months! You did it 3 times and we got it on camera!
* When you lay on your back you really like to pull your feet up now, like in the picture above.
*You LOVE the television- so much that we have to turn it off at bedtime. Otherwise you would be sucked in and never go to sleep!
*We love you so much and probably tell you that a million times a day. You are SUCH a good baby!
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