First is my super awsome rocking chair for kids that looks really retro. Don't look at the blue spot- that was the price sticker. It was $20, but I got it for $15!

Jenny and I went garage sailing the next day, and the very first sale we went to was definitely the best! I Got all this stuff that day though, and I don't think I spent over $15. All deals on perfectly good clothes makes it hard to buy anything new! Here they are:

They are hard to see but there a ton of onesies, some shirts, sleepers, dresses... a little bit of everything! I also got myself a maternity tank top and a cute shabby chic old quilt for $2! I especially like these tiny shoes I got though:

Last but not least, here is the bedding I found from a really nice girl on craigslist. It is called sweet strawberry, and it is from pottery barn. I saw some on ebay, and it's still selling for hundreds of dollars for less pieces!

And a close-up so you can see the pattern a little more. This is of a cute quilted pillowcase. It still has the tags attached!

I got an entire set for $80, some of it is used, but I got: a quilt, 3 fitted sheets, the quilted pillowcase, crib bumper, mobile, duvet cover (still in package), pillow case (still in package) and this canopy thing she had made with one of the sheets that has tulle and stuff to hang over a bed. I won't be using that, but maybe for a toddler it would be cute! I just looked and it seems like pottery barn actually sells those types of things too. Everything is in great condition, other than the sheets that are pretty well washed. I will probably get some plain sheets to go with. Maybe red, pink and white sets.
Anyway I will leave you with my most recent picture John took of me- I'm as big as a house! Ugh it's hard to look at... I'm not getting that cute little bump that other people get- I'm just getting super wide! Oh well...

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