She looks so grown up here I think. 
playing in the water.

My pretty girl with those blue eyes of hers. 
This is a recent thing of hers. She is now jumping with BOTH feet off the ground. She is SO proud of herself and loves to show people how she can do it. It is pretty cute! 

Going down the slide I got her for $1 in Ballard at a yard sale- my mom would be proud!
Another example of her behavior lately- climbing on everything!! She is my crazy climber.

Olivia's first Oreo experience. She loved it, but made quite the mess! 
Those are all pictures from yesterday! Olivia is so much fun these days. Although she did climb out of her crib one night (well morning actually) so we tried a toddler bed. It worked great for 2 days and then she started getting up earlier and earlier, until one morning she got up at 2 am. We had had it- we put the crib front on and turned the crib around so the back (higher side) was the front of the crib. So far it is working MUCH better. I think she really is too young for a toddler crib, and I don't like loosing that much sleep! Other than that, she is such a happy girl, talking up a storm. She copies everything you say and is really understands quite a bit. John and I wonder sometimes where she learns some words! She really is like a sponge. Oh and one more thing- Olivia is having surgery on Monday to have the bump removed on her lower lip. She bit it months ago and it turned into a bump from the salivary gland not healing properly. I am glad we have it scheduled since it has noticeably gotten bigger in the last couple weeks. Wish us luck! We are having it done at Deaconess so I am sure it will go great. :)
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