Sweet baby girl you are 10 months old today. Time is really flying by isn't it? In 2 short months you will be an entire year old. I just can't believe it.
-You weigh 19 lbs 6 oz.
-You wear size 3 diapers
- You wear 6-12 month, 9 month and some 12 month clothes.
- You are still crawling like crazy and walking around all the furniture. Still our busy bee.
-You continue to sleep through the night-usually 10 to 12 hours a night plus naps throughout the day.
-You are so good at napping now. You go down easily on your own and can usually go without napping for quite a while without having a meltdown. We learned this yesterday at the farm since you were up for close to 6 hours before you finally put your head on farmor's shoulder and took a nice little nap in her arms. Then you woke up happy and refreshed!
-You still like your stand up toys, but you continue to be most interested in things you shouldn't have like phones, wires, blinds, etc.
-You don't say any words consistently yet. You usually say mama when you are whiny/crying but no other time. You did say baba for a while there but haven't said it much lately. Daddy is trying his hardest to get you to say "hi!"
-You have stood for a few seconds, but you don't like to. You usually just point your toes or immediately sit down.
-You love to clap and wave. I think you understand "hi" "bye" and "wave" You will usually wave if someone says one of those words.
-You still smile after every sneeze.
-You love to giggle when you are anticipating being tickled or someone in nibbling on your toes.
-You eat 3 times a day now of solid foods. You have tried mac and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken nuggets recently. You like all of them! You have also gotten tastes of ice cream and most recently frosting on auntie Julie's cupcake. You *really* liked that! I am sure it will be quite the feast on your birthday!
-I took you to the waterpark today to play with Kailub and Brenna. You LOVED it! You crawled right in and I think you would've kept crawling if I let you! You put your face in the water over and over and just laughed. You love everything about the water. I think you could stay in it for hours!
-You are such a happy girl, just talking, yelling and screeching/laughing all the time. You like to do it especially when doing something naughty- like standing at the black side table that has a lamp on it! You know you aren't supposed to!
-You also still love the car. You can sleep easily in it or just talk to yourself and wave in your mirror.
- You gained a friend today!! I can't even express how excited I am for Amanda and Taylor. Elsie Marie was born at almost 3 am this morning. She came a little early (but not too early!) and right on your monthly birthday. How perfect is that?? I know you will be great friends and probably get into lots of trouble together!
-You weigh 19 lbs 6 oz.
-You wear size 3 diapers
- You wear 6-12 month, 9 month and some 12 month clothes.
- You are still crawling like crazy and walking around all the furniture. Still our busy bee.
-You continue to sleep through the night-usually 10 to 12 hours a night plus naps throughout the day.
-You are so good at napping now. You go down easily on your own and can usually go without napping for quite a while without having a meltdown. We learned this yesterday at the farm since you were up for close to 6 hours before you finally put your head on farmor's shoulder and took a nice little nap in her arms. Then you woke up happy and refreshed!
-You still like your stand up toys, but you continue to be most interested in things you shouldn't have like phones, wires, blinds, etc.
-You don't say any words consistently yet. You usually say mama when you are whiny/crying but no other time. You did say baba for a while there but haven't said it much lately. Daddy is trying his hardest to get you to say "hi!"
-You have stood for a few seconds, but you don't like to. You usually just point your toes or immediately sit down.
-You love to clap and wave. I think you understand "hi" "bye" and "wave" You will usually wave if someone says one of those words.
-You still smile after every sneeze.
-You love to giggle when you are anticipating being tickled or someone in nibbling on your toes.
-You eat 3 times a day now of solid foods. You have tried mac and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken nuggets recently. You like all of them! You have also gotten tastes of ice cream and most recently frosting on auntie Julie's cupcake. You *really* liked that! I am sure it will be quite the feast on your birthday!
-I took you to the waterpark today to play with Kailub and Brenna. You LOVED it! You crawled right in and I think you would've kept crawling if I let you! You put your face in the water over and over and just laughed. You love everything about the water. I think you could stay in it for hours!
-You are such a happy girl, just talking, yelling and screeching/laughing all the time. You like to do it especially when doing something naughty- like standing at the black side table that has a lamp on it! You know you aren't supposed to!
-You also still love the car. You can sleep easily in it or just talk to yourself and wave in your mirror.
- You gained a friend today!! I can't even express how excited I am for Amanda and Taylor. Elsie Marie was born at almost 3 am this morning. She came a little early (but not too early!) and right on your monthly birthday. How perfect is that?? I know you will be great friends and probably get into lots of trouble together!
- We love you so much baby girl. Daddy comes home and you give him the biggest smile every day. It is the best thing in the world when you smile and laugh! Happy 10 month birthday!
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