And doing a little naked tummy time. She is finally really enjoying being on her tummy and can bee there for long persiods of time. I put her on a bunch of towels and let her air out her lady parts. She had been getting a bit of diaper rash and now it seems to come and go. I think this helps a lot. I took some really cute pictures but I don't think I need the internet seeing her buns!

Anyway she is doing great. John is doing great at being with her in the evenings too! She usually goes to bed between 7 and 8pm and sleeps at least 6 hours. Tonight she slept for 8 but I can't go back to sleep so here I am... anyway I think she is getting hungry at night (since she is eating) and we are going to try out rice cereal tonight to see if it makes any difference. The pedi suggested 5 months but I think she is ready. She is very interested in our food now!
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