It really didn't take long, and John and I worked on it together. Of course John did most of it, but I helped him figure out what bolts went where since the directions weren't incredibly precise.

Above the flash is on. You can see the crib more clearly. It really is everything we wanted in a crib. It looks like a nice piece of furniture with no exposed bolts on the front. I LOVE it. John said he loved it too, and said I did a good job of getting what he wanted (something with curves and higher in the back) It doesn't have a drop side front since I've read that those aren't the safest anymore. Also, most cribs aren't really made that way anymore. The only thing I was concerned about was being able to reach over the front. That doesn't seem like it will be an issue. Right now it is set for the matress to be on the highest setting, and I can easily reach the springs.
So now we just have the dresser to put together. I'm guessing we will work on that tonight. I'm supposed to work, but a co-worker told me I am probably getting a mandatory night off tonight due to low census. I knew I was up soon for one. I don't mind a night off once in a while! I think my last one was in January, so not too bad. Once we get the dresser together I will take more pictures and post them. It is finally starting to look and feel more like a nursery!
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