Here it goes. Olivia was 17 months old yesterday but didn't feel good at all. She was tired and had some sort of stomach bug. She was very cuddly though which was a nice change! She didn't want to eat much but I made sure she got some food in and lots of fluids. That is how she spent her 17 month birthday! Today she woke up like a new girl, happy and her normal hungry self. I am glad it seems to have passed quickly! She is still a little more cuddly, but I can't complain about that!
Here are her 17 month stats:
- weighs 23.2 pound on our scale. Must be losing a little due to how active she is!
-Still eats great. Loves pretty much all fruits, cheeses, some meets (like deli turkey and ham) loves peanut butter and mac and cheese. Not a big fan of banana and recently pears. She also doesn't like much cooked meat, but does like her chik'n nuggets (tofu).
-Is a crazy active girl, climbing everywhere, opening doors, etc. The other day at the YMCA she was in the daycare and they said she climbed up into the big fort several times and they were afraid she wouldn't get down! That's our climber! Also, she has started opening doors very frequently, so most are either locked or secured. She is allowed into her bedroom, the coat closet, and the towel closet. That's it! We had enough of her letting Martini out, getting into our bedroom, he bathroom, etc.
-She is saying many words, including mama, dada, papa, hi, bye bye, ba ba, balloon (sounds like ba-oon), dog, wawa for water, apple, all done, thank you, moon, and airplane. She has also said powder, cracker, and tractor several times. She is getting much better at repeating and we have noticed a big difference in her book reading. She can finally sit still enough to read through books and wants to go through some of them over and over.
-Her favorite book at the moment seems to be a baby color book. I think she likes the big pictures. She especially loves the tractor picture.
-She says dada all the time and runs to the door or window pointing outside saying dada. She knows that is where John comes form when he gets home! She also loves to wave at him form the window as he walks in.
-She took her first airplane ride 1 day after her 16 month birthday. She did great and it was a very long flight, but we survived! No major meltdowns as long as we had a lollipop to bribe her. She loves waving at all the people.
-She still absolutely loves the water. She loved playing in the sand in Hawaii and running into the ocean as well as swimming in the pool. We are starting her in lessons this upcoming Saturday!
- Has 8 teeth now! 4 on top and almost 4 on bottom. One is about halfway in.
-Still thankfully sleeps all night and usually has one nap a day. 2-3 hours if we are lucky!
- She gets more fun everyday and makes life interesting!! We love you baby girl!