I am a few days late on this one- but I really want to try and keep up on her monthly stats since she continues to change so much! Hopefully I can do this until she is 2 years old.
- You are such a "little people" as daddy likes to say. Running around "talking" in only in a language you understand. You look at us like we should totally get what you are saying. It is so cute!
-You know how to sign "all done" and "more". We haven't been too consistent on the signing, and I think you would pick it up pretty fast if we were better about teaching it!
-You say "mama' "dada" "oscar" "papa" "baba" (I think for your bottle AND your pacifier) "da" for dog. I have heard you say ba ba for bye bye. You whisper "hot", although we were thinking last night you may think hot has to do with lights! (since the fireplace is lit up and the stove is lit up when hot- you pointed at lightbulbs at costco last night and whispered "hot") I also swear you said kitty cat the other day when you had a cat on your shirt, and in the past you repeated waffle and powder after I said them.
-You understand a lot more than we think sometimes! If we ask you to get your dolly or get Martini's toy- you will run and get them. I asked you to pick up your plastic banana last night, and you went and got it!
-You have 6 teeth now! A 3rd one has finally popped through on the top this month.
-You are such a happy girl most of the time. You constantly laugh and love making everyone else laugh. You make an O face with your mouth when you want people to laugh.
-You still love everyone- including strangers! We set up your first savings account for you yesterday, and you immediately wanted the banker to hold you the whole time. You played with her keyboard and keys, and smiled and waved at other workers! Everyone loved you! You are not a shy girl!
-You are wearing 12 month pajamas still since the 18 months are pretty baggy, but wearing 12-18 month clothes in pretty much all brands.
-You love to play peek a boo, have us chase you around the house, carry you on our back and play on the couch. You love when we put something over your head like a blanket or shirt so you can run around like a crazy girl! You are really loving shutting doors lately. You always shut the cabinet doors if they are open, and your bedroom door if you are in it! You are climbing on the big chair in your room all by yourself now, which makes me nervous!
-You still sleep through the night- going to bed between 7 and 8 pm and waking up around 7 am or earlier if daddy has to take you to papa's house. You nap 1-2 times a day depending on what we are doing. Usually you nap 2-4 hours total throughout the day.
-You are still a good eater. You love cheese, fruit, waffles, and ham. You still will not let eggs near your mouth- no matter what we do to disguise them! It is kind of funny how you can detect them!
-When I say "Is daddy home?" You run to the front door and look out the window. If he is home you start waving like crazy and banging on the window and laugh.
-Your hair is getting so long, but I don't know if I will ever cut it! I love the way it looks and all your little curls in back.
Well that is pretty much you these days. You are silly, happy, crazy, running around constantly, busy, climbing, and exhausting, but we love every second with you!
A rare moment laying on the ground
This is you- laughing with big smiles.
Standing behind your chair.